Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Anyone in the military?

Last year i entered the DEP for the Marine Corp Now I decided Thay the Air Force Has A better job for me when I get out with what i want to do i contacted my Marine recruiter and told him that i wanted to be discharges from the Marines and he told me he would not discharge me for almost two years and i cant join the air force until then,pleas help I want to get my life started now is there anything i can do?

Why do conservatives treat Fannie and Freddie as a cause of the financial collapse rather than a symptom?

Yes, Fannie and Freddie needed to be regulated more, held bad ets and folded. But so did Merril Lynch, Bear Stearns, WaMu, AIG, etc etc. They are all symptoms of a larger problem, the fact that bankers were making bad loans not because the government had a gun to their head, but because they made a profit off of them. They resold the loans as a commodity to investors who didn't know better.

How do I complete a punnett square with 4 traits?

There are not 4 traits in this example- only two: Smooth/wrinkled and green/yellow. To cross them, you would have to know the genotype of the smooth, green pea: SSGG or SsGg? The wrinkled, yellow pea is automatically ssgg. The SSGG pea produces one type of gamete, SG, so the PUnnett square is just a 1x1. The SsGg pea produces 4 gametes, SG, Sg, sG, and sg, so the Punnett square is a 1x4...

How do you transfer songs from ares to itunes? plz help?

I tried right clicking the song from ares and it won't let you copy and paste from the song from there to itunes.

How does one reach spiritual enlightenment

I don't think there's any absolute definition of "enlightenment", it's going to vary from person to person.. but my interpretation of it is, achieving a state of non-commitance to the material world. in other words, you're thinking and living on a higher level, where the physical reality is just one of the many realities you are experiencing. it's a spiritual and religious and emotional awakening. you forgo your dependencies and insecurities and attachments to anything human-made, and embrace the world as it really is.

Good books?

If you have already read Tom Sawyer, You might also try "huckleberry Finn", also by Mark Twain. Another good book is "1984" or "Animal Farm", both by George Orwell. I think I read them at your age. One other one I would recommend is "Watership Down". I'm sorry, but I can't remember the authors name. But, give one of these a try. It sounds like you have been reading some great books.

What do you think of this name for a baby boy?

this will be my second first son is Dameon James..we picked out Kristopher William..Kristopher because my bf didn't like christian but likes we compromised on it..william is after 2 of our family members 1 on each side...