Friday, August 12, 2011

I need some advice on how to deal with these people. Please answer.?

I work in an attorneys office as a secretary. The attorney that hired me is a horrible person. Everyone talks about how great of a person she is but shes not to my family. Both of our daughters are in 9th grade and my son is in 8th grade. Her daughter and all her daughters friends are horrible to my children. Her husband is an investment banker on wall street. He lives in an apartment in New York during the week and flies their private jet home for the weekends. My husband, my daughter, Melody, my son, David, and myself are expected to attend dinners and other social events as well as get a sitter for my two children with downs. We are told to attend and then are given the cold shoulder once we get there. Several of the attorneys have children in high or middle school. They all make fun of my daughter while we are there. On friday night, there is a party at my bosses house. They live on a very high end country club. All of their neighbors are going as well as everyone from our office and their families. I was told to come and bring my family. I asked how many of her neighbors had kids around our kids age and she said all of them. This is not good because wealthy children just automatically pick on my daughter because we cant afford brands like Polo, Ugg, Abercrombie, and whatever else they wear. My daughter wears jeans from target and t shirts. She hates wealthy children because not one of them has ever been nice to her. All the children that are going to the party are all very immature. They sit around, gossip, complain about their perfect lives, and demand that their parents buy them things.My daughter isn't like that so she doesn't fit in because of that either. My boss has a pool and she said that the kids would swim. My daughter never swims because she thinks she is over weight and is only allowed to wear one piece swim wear. I dont want my son to see all the teenage girls there in their tiny, revealing designer bikinis. I was told to come with my family. My boss is not capable of being empathetic. I have explained to her our situation and asked her to make an exeption but she just said that my parenting problems werent her problem. Last time we were at a dinner at the country club, my husband walked over to my bosses husband and introduced himself. When he held out his hand, her husband just looked at it then walked away. I don't want my boss to get mad at me like she has before if i don't show up but i cant put up with it any more. My daughter was crying today when i told her there was another party we had to go to. I have looked for other jobs but i no businesses are accepting aplications. My husband was recently umemployed to my family is relying on me to put food on the table. What should i do about this?

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