Wednesday, August 10, 2011

If the Book of Revelation is a symbolic book, then how can people come to believe that hell is eternal torture?

and not the grave? The book of revelation also speaks of flying magical dragons and locusts with lion heads. It says that people should pluck their eyes and legs out of their sockets. There are numerous scriptures in the Bible that controvert the idea of eternal torture. John 3:16 says very clearly that the punishment for unbelievers is death, not eternal torture. Additionally, hell and Satan is said in the bible to eventually perish in the Lake of Fire. How can there be a eternally torturing hell if there hell and Satan aren't there to enforce it? Additionally, the Lake of Fire in hell is all consuming and it purges nonbelievers from their sins. How can it purge their sins if the sinner never perishes but is tortured forever? Additionally, "Dante's Inferno" and Hel (a greek goddess known to torture men in the afterlife) helped spread this belief that hell is eternal torture. There are also numerous cases and books controverting the fiery version of hell. Additionally, Pagan beliefs about this torturous version of hell incorrectly infiltrated themselves into Christianity thirty years after the rebirth of Christ. There aren't that many times that the word "hell" is even mentioned in the bible, but most of the times it is referred to as "Gehenna" or "Hades." Hades literally means "the grave" in Greek, and Gehenna was fiery garbage dump in Jerusalem with which was used to methophorically describe hell as a place of burning. There are also numerous other arguments, but I can't remember them right now. If you need more evidence, google "The Case Against Hell." So could you please answer my question? What makes some of you so relentlessly firm on your belief that millions are people are being eternally tortured everyday? Do you want to burn forever, for this is what is going to happen to you for having such as desire for righteous people to be tortured endlessly? This isn't the word of God! Don't give me the "you can whitewash the concept and believe what you want, but the reality of the universe aren't bent on your beliefs because hell is endless torture" crap. Tell me the truth. What is hell?

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