Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Its been 32 day since I got my period..Am I Pregnant?

Ok my cycle has always been irregular but NEVER ped 24 day. NEver in my life have I gotten my period by the 28th day, it has always been before. About three weeks ago I had unprotected (like always) with my boyfirend of 5 years. And well you already know what happened from there. I am having symtoms of menstuation..like my feel tender and hurt and I feel a white liquid coming down. But I've been feeling those for almost two weeks already and it has never been to that extent.. On day 24 when I saw I didnt get my period that day..I got scared and bought a pregnancy test..it came out negative..but it still hasnt come!!! Should I buy another one today on day 32..or wait..

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