Sunday, August 7, 2011

Please help suicidal kinda?

Stop. think back at the Q&A's that you have seen on Yanswers. All of the questions are pretty much straght forward, and not very difficult to answer, yet the answerees seem to not fully proceess the information, for lack of intelligence, or they are just ignorant; so they just seem to "try" to rid the "diahrriah vomit locked in their grey matter" but putting a bs answer down. (very noticeable in suicide topics) Seem harmless to you? yeah? stop reading... good, now as for the rest, Of course in said above suicide topics, theese "bs" answers can be very pursasive, And Yea- it is no the small picture, but the big. Those answers, plus thier resislancy and other outside variables would push someone until either something changed, or their was no longer any need to change it. Resolution: Y do we keep going? This happens every day. I notice it and if everyone else does to, then y does it still happen? life has fun parts, but it really is not that fun. Y do people do that?, not just on this site or sites like it, but everything. There are also things widely accepted throughout the world that practice this, they will never get it (religion) and yet if people can see that it doesnt work like i do,(pope guy: does) THEN Y DO WE DO IT? I figure a "normal mind" would not do such things, but they happen. BTW i can see the future, and I see that some of you did not stop reading... for lack of intelligence, ignorance, whatev, and your answers that you u were going to put down piss me off: blah blah "greater purpose" ( everything fails ) blAh blah " to do it" (thats seems dumb) blah blah etc I dont care, and the ones that were supposed to keep reading dont either you are wasting their time so that I could deter you from answering. .. So...I cant seem to be happy when I should be. I notice weird things. Im lost. I dont know if god (if there is one) thinks about me(hate or love) and Im not sure if I want to find out, or care (personal problem, Dont in on god... for those of you who are... STILL...reading!) I believe that I may be crazy, insane, whatever, I could or couldnt go with that. idk. but the controversy still lies. dont know if it is worth continueing. and maybe I should stop playing... I do think of this when I get frustrated, depressed, pissed, whatev, but I think I seem to have a sane, logical outlook on it. It is hard to explain and talk about. Btw I do knida have extreeme emotions, but you cant tell, and street signs, advertisements, and the latter make fun of me. everything i take in the way i take it is because I took it that way, and cant figure out why. I usually think that I am a rational man. Maybe that will help you answer me.

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