Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Anyone in the military?

Last year i entered the DEP for the Marine Corp Now I decided Thay the Air Force Has A better job for me when I get out with what i want to do i contacted my Marine recruiter and told him that i wanted to be discharges from the Marines and he told me he would not discharge me for almost two years and i cant join the air force until then,pleas help I want to get my life started now is there anything i can do?

Why do conservatives treat Fannie and Freddie as a cause of the financial collapse rather than a symptom?

Yes, Fannie and Freddie needed to be regulated more, held bad ets and folded. But so did Merril Lynch, Bear Stearns, WaMu, AIG, etc etc. They are all symptoms of a larger problem, the fact that bankers were making bad loans not because the government had a gun to their head, but because they made a profit off of them. They resold the loans as a commodity to investors who didn't know better.

How do I complete a punnett square with 4 traits?

There are not 4 traits in this example- only two: Smooth/wrinkled and green/yellow. To cross them, you would have to know the genotype of the smooth, green pea: SSGG or SsGg? The wrinkled, yellow pea is automatically ssgg. The SSGG pea produces one type of gamete, SG, so the PUnnett square is just a 1x1. The SsGg pea produces 4 gametes, SG, Sg, sG, and sg, so the Punnett square is a 1x4...

How do you transfer songs from ares to itunes? plz help?

I tried right clicking the song from ares and it won't let you copy and paste from the song from there to itunes.

How does one reach spiritual enlightenment

I don't think there's any absolute definition of "enlightenment", it's going to vary from person to person.. but my interpretation of it is, achieving a state of non-commitance to the material world. in other words, you're thinking and living on a higher level, where the physical reality is just one of the many realities you are experiencing. it's a spiritual and religious and emotional awakening. you forgo your dependencies and insecurities and attachments to anything human-made, and embrace the world as it really is.

Good books?

If you have already read Tom Sawyer, You might also try "huckleberry Finn", also by Mark Twain. Another good book is "1984" or "Animal Farm", both by George Orwell. I think I read them at your age. One other one I would recommend is "Watership Down". I'm sorry, but I can't remember the authors name. But, give one of these a try. It sounds like you have been reading some great books.

What do you think of this name for a baby boy?

this will be my second first son is Dameon James..we picked out Kristopher William..Kristopher because my bf didn't like christian but likes we compromised on it..william is after 2 of our family members 1 on each side...

Who do you think is going to the nba finals this year?

who do you think is going to the nba finals this year? choose out of these categories and pick two that you think is going to be playing against each other,celtics,bulls,lakers,mavericks,mia… heat ,or spurs,and who do you thinks gonna win the eastern Conference championship and western conference championship?

Half-life is half the time it takes for a radioactive sample to completely decay.?

This is false. One of the few things I remember from chem... Each individual atom lasts a different exact period of time, so they take a sample of many, many atoms and see how long it takes for half of them to decay. This gives scientists a sort of average.

When did Casey Anthony get to her parents' house?

From everything I have read, Casey did not go home. She is hiding out somewhere, most likely with the help of Baez. It would have been too easy to break in and "get" her if she had gone home. I think that George and Cindy acted the way they did because of the state of panic they were in. I hope this is all going to die down soon.

Summerslam Dream Card?

great card but summerslam is 2nd to wrestlmania in greatness so it has to be be longer it will be a lil longer!

Why is anti-semitism one of the most common hatreds?

Why does anti-semitism exist? Why is hatred of the Jews so prolific? Why were they hated by the Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Crusaders, Muslims, Soviets, Nazis and Arabs? Why are rediculous and disqusting libels and slanders labeled against Jews even until this day? Why is this mankind's longest hatred?

Really embarring !!! girls only !!!?

haha i hate it when that happens. Um im not sure what actually causes it but ive come up with my own reason y. for me its the position im in when im having . sometimes the way you have can push air up in there and when you move or stand up it just comes out like a little baby fart. its just emptying out. try a different position or the way your having .

IF Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit were still alive...?

They both sound like good matches but I could not imagine the heat between either of them. It would be a little dull. If Eddie Guerrero was alive I would make him face Undertaker as I believe that would be a interesting Wrestlemania match. And for Chris Benoit I would love to see him face HBK that would be one hell of a showstopper

Do you think my best friend (girl) likes me?

I'd say the signs are good kid. A word of caution. You have to be prepared for any possible romance to not work out. You may or may not lose a friend in the process. If it was me I'd come right out and say I'm in love. Learn while you're young enough to benefit and cut straight through the BS. Good Luck!

Was "Shakespeare" Freemason's pen name they used to write Julius Caesar & rewrite history to make Caesar evil?

Caesar wasn't evil but helped the common man, the senate who represented the rich, like now, hated this and so killed Caesar on behalf of the rich, as the same group killed JFK.

In the 1930’s the Fed did try to employ expansionary monetary policy but with limited success.?

False, they didn't know what to do. The structure of the FED has been changed since then. The contraction monetary policy was blamed to be the cause of the depression.

How do you determine a propositions validity?

The validity of anything finally comes down to its relation in reality. Is it real? If it is the proposition stands and if it isn't perhaps a better understanding of how the proposition was abstracted in the first place to see if the method is correct in the particular application of the proposition.

She wanted to sleep w/ my husband & now she is cheating on hers?

I met her & her husband 1 yr ago. her hubby adores her. She was giving my hubby lustful stares, innapropriate comments, etc.. My husband is oblivious and he even noticed it. We just chalked it up to her hav. a crush. So, we moved away for 8 mo's and came back & reconnected. we were so happy to have them back, b/c of interests fun, etc.. so, she goes away for many weeks to training(for her job)& comes back & tells me she cheated w/ this guy and cant wait to do it again and she doesnt feel guilty. so im trying to councel her by giving my life experiences and my mistakes, yet slipping in consequences from time to time.. no reaction, she just keeps talking about the . I try not to judge, we've all screwed up. but now im thinkin bout her poor sweet hubby. then she says she gave ual looks under her hat to this guy at training so noone would see. at this point i FLASHBACK to when she used to do that SH** with my husband. So, now im thinkin i CANNOT trust this person EVER.. RUN!!! i went home told my hubby and he was FLOORED. my husband wants to tell her husband b/c he is a loyal friend to him & feels SO bad for him. she wants to stay w/ him, but just sleep around. We feel like she is cheating him of his right to happiness (she wont even let him touch her now) Geez, when I saw him he looked SO SAD. (he knows something isnt right) So, my question is do i try to be her friend and try to councel her or cut ties and us tell her hubby?

Does everyone realize that Hillary WILL NOT be on Obama's ticket for VP-- that she ruined that for herself?

Just maybe she doesn't want to be Obama's Vice President. If McCain won, she would have a very good chance of becoming President in 4 years if he didn't run for a 2nd term. With Obama, it is possible he would stay for 8 years before she could run. So I really doubt she wants to be his VP and underling.

I just hooked up a car stereo in my golf cart at park the radio and speakers work fine but when moving the pow?

driving the cart might suck too much power to power the stereo as well. solution? buy a bigger battery. jk idk

Something wrong with my zebra finch?

Its my female Mochie so her behind is alll red. it looks redish and no too good. She would shut her eyes and open them slightly and shes just standing on her perch. Is there something wrong with her?

What was the movie with Bruce Willis?

hes a guy who figures out that everyone in his world is a robot and he tries to fight them off. it isn't Surrogates because i watched that movie and it isn't it. i wanna watch.

How do let this guy know i dont want to date him ever again?

You just have to be straight with him and tell him to stop bothering you permanently. If he doesn't, report him to the police, and then they will find out he is an illegal immigrant. Honestly this guy sounds like bad news and someone to stay away from.

Which is a best handset?

i want a handset with camera facility ,a good screen resolution,it shoud have a good sound/music player........and it shoud be in my budget.........pllllzzz hlp me.....

Where can I fine my beloved "johnny apple seed"?

I got stung by a wasp day before yesterday and I have a huge whelp on my left shin. Nobody else seems to care, so I thought I'd tell you. Thank you.

Trade Help?Should I accept A.Rodgers and A.Gonzalez for Romo and Roddy White?

Don't do it, Aaron Rodgers and Anthony Gonzalez both have way more upside in my eyes. Romo lost his favorite TD target while Rodgers still has Jennings and Driver. Also, Indy is without Harrison which means Gonzalez is starting. A starting wideout with Peyton Manning as his quarterback is going to score touchdowns.

OMG- Breaking dawn book?

Today is the day after the day that the first chapter of Breaking Dawn was released, can someone please show me the first chapter before i go mad. its not on her websigt yet, i'm so so upset, my dad wont get it for me couse i already have the reagular eclips and g is like $4, stupid gas companys.

How to pacify an overly aggressive channel catfish?

to hell with channel cats i had one eat a 7in mud puppy....Demon fish...after that and eating every other fish i had i got rid of it..."flush"... i don't know what to tell you.....

How should I finish my Children's Book?

I am writing and illustrating a children's book. It is a story about a little boy whose sister loses her favorite blankie, so he goes on an adventure to find it. The book starts with him looking out his window at night, and he thinks he sees a blankie floating down the road. He rubs his eyes, and then it's gone. The next morning his little sister is crying because her blankie is gone, and he tells his mom what he saw but she doesn't belive him. He decides to investigate the matter himself, so he walks outside and sees footprints, which he follows into the woods, and eventually to a very cool treehouse. I already have illustrations up to that point, and I would like to end the book with it being the dog who was actually walking under the blankie so it appeared to be floating, and the dog ends up curled up in the blankie. That doesn't necessarily have to be how it ends, and I am not exactly in love with the ending so I need help thinking of other ones I could use. THANKS

Old kids tv show with flying red pod?

there used to be a childrens tv show (i think on citv) with 2 boys that found a flying red spaceship thing that could turn invisible, does any1 know what it was called?!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Yea! I love when sweaty men rub against each other, slam each other, and act like there fighting I can't wait for the ring seriously!

What is the marginal cost of adding a page?

To illustrate marginal cost the total cost of producing 142,000 books x 120 pages is $144000. If you produce a total of 142000 books x 121 pages the total cost is $145200. That would mean the marginal cost—the cost of producing the next unit—was $1200.00

Do you like movies that recouple actors from more popular movies?

no. not really. i think it kind of just ruins the more popular movies....there should be a rule. if you have a box office not repair the same two actors!!! if you do, you are only asking for lots of criticism and a box office failure.

Is there a product that i can add to my water that will make it instantly alkaline?

smart Water and other vapor distilled water have electrolytes/minerals alright but when i check its ph,it actually is neutral( neither acidic.neither alkaline).so what i need is what will turn neutral water or acidic water into ALKALINE water

Would grey goose and sunny delight be a good combination?

im going on a party bus and have recently been drinking alot of screwdriviers( vodka and OJ), and love sunny D and was wondering if anyone has tried it?

Why do politics turn into conflict and violence?

Where 2 or 3 are gathered conflict will be born. To where allies and enemies can be born to defend, and offend those 2 or 3 against one another; spawns violence.


Staying true to your avatar and nickname I see. Do you really have nothing else in your life to occupy your time thinking about? Read a book, educate yourself, watch the news... honestly....

What could i do with skateboard trucks?

i took the trucks off my skateboard so i could use the deck to skateboard on my tramp what should i do with the trucks that would be really fun

My chance of getting into Harvey Mudd?

I LOVE math and science. I have a 4.00 and will have only taken 3 AP Courses by the time I graduate high school. I have been in a varsity sport for 3 years, and this year I will be team captain. I am not involved in many clubs/volunteer. And my SAT scores are not the best... What are my chances of getting into this selective school?

Is my poem good or bad? Can you spare me some advice?

I agree with Kevin S completely. This is more prose than poetry. The lay out is all wrong for a poem. Towards the end it begins to sound more like some kind of oath being taken.

Color psychology help please...?

Color psychologist is not really a's more just like one of the psychology test things, like a personality test or an IQ test, there are no IQ Psychologists...but uhh I really think you should research and get some knowlege about the feild of Psychology before you get into something your not right for. It takes really pionate, caring, intelligent people to get into Psychology. You have to commit to succeed in it. So 1. Do some research and get your facts straight 2. Take a career test online (good one at a href="" rel="nofollow" to see if your right for Psychology and 3. If all goes well and your still interested find an area of Psychology that interests you (ex: clinical psychology, developmental psychology, evolutionary, quantitative, etc etc), go to college, get your degree and enjoy a career. Hope you understood this, hope I helped.

SAT Preparation?

The best way is to either purchase a review book or take a SAT cl. Chances are, you will probably take the October SAT's also so don't stress out too much on the June test. It depends on the questions on the test and how much you studied, but usually after your first test you usually only increase your score by 100-200 max, but on average its usually 75. Of course you can do more, but that's the typical case. Take as many PRACTICE tests as you can! Most review books and cles will teach you the shortcuts and best ways to score as high as possible on your exam.

How do I get my hair like this?

To get that exact look you need to get a curling iron that doesn't have the bar on it, you know the piece that holds your hair against the iron. Then you use your fingers and wrap it around the barrel you will get small tight curls at first. Flip your hair to loosen them up a bit and then use a little bit of hairspray, the curls will loosen as the day wears on.

Matt Holliday for Rasmus and Nelson Cruz?

Only if you're willing to sacrifice your batting average. All your potential received players have fairly low averages, but they will help you out in homers. If you're willing to sacrifice some batting average points for power, go for this trade. Btw, receiving Adam Dunn will likely destroy your batting average.

2003 Astro van - power locks and AC issues?

You probably have a bad master door lock switch. That would give you those symptoms but there are other, less likely possibilities (wiring, etc.) As far as the a/c and heater problem, it sounds like either a bad dashboard switch or the little stepper motor that moves the flapper in the air duct to direct the air is stuck. Good luck.

I went to a website where they had a bunch of useless links disguised as their backgroud. Why?

Someone sent me an e-mail on which my name was not the recipient. In the e-mail was a link to Forward slash etc... Out of curiousity I called the telephone number and asked for Arlene, the lady said Arlene was out; so I asked her about the links. She did not know but put me speaker phone without telling me, so I then asked if anyone listening knew about the links.... Someone hung up the phone. Why would you need a bunch of useless links?

Who should I start this week?

Should i start Pierre Garcon this week, playing the titans (last in p D), Lesean McCoy at RB/WR, playing Bucs, or take out Fred Jackson and put LeSean there because i need a spot for Desean Jackson. I think im leaning towards taking out Jackson because if the Eagles get the lead, Westbrook will most likely sit out the rest of the game.

Im 13 and written a little bit, i think it has potential...?

I will tell the truth,the beginning caught my attention and kept me reading.I LOVE the plot,it is different,and I have never seen it done in a book.I could keep reading,but you only have this up!Now to the criticism.If you learn to indent when you start a paragraph,it will look even better.And use some more capitols.'I' is capitalized,and use some commas before starting a conversation.I am currently working on a book off and on,and do excellent in English and Writing in school.So if you ever need any suggestions or help with your story,you can always contact me.

Torn between two styles?

oh gosh girl, i can relate to this question because i have the same exact style AND PROBLEM. How i figured out how to mash them together was a style called sweet grunge. Its basically a girly hair style (fish tail, braids, waves, curls, etc.) a frilly top with a girly material (lace, fringe, etc.) also, doesn't hurt to show a little action ;) then for the pants comes the rocker look. ( ripped jeans, washed out, different colored skinny jeans, etc.) for shoes you can do combat boots, motorcycle boots, studded heels, etc. then to pull it all together, some feather earrings, rubber bracelets or a leather jacket. you can also reverse this. like a rock hairstyle, a band tshirt, a skirt, some girly heels, a charm bracelet and some dangly earrings. hope this helps :) hey, maybe we can share some style advice ;)

Tough math question for geometry?

Let ABCD be a convex quadrilateral with AC perpendicular to BD, and left P be the intersection of AC and BD. Suppose that the distance from P to AB is 99, the distance from P to BC is 63, and the distance from P to CD is 77. What is the distance from P to AD?

Monday, August 15, 2011

What team will amare stoudemire go to????

I REALLY HOPE thatt he goes to the miami heat cuz the heat are my favorite team and him and marion and wade would be a BIG 3

Sea and lake horror movies? Sharks, Whales, Crocodiles?

Does anyone know any movies about water based animals killing humans? Less obvious ones than Jaws, Piranhas and Deep Blue Sea, everyone knows about those.

How do you make posole? not the green kind,or stew.?

Posole is hominy, cubed meat, mostly pork, and a sauce made with tomatillos. Garlic to taste, jalapenos to taste, onion to taste, sal, and paprika to taste, but the secret is to braise the meat cubes in hot lard. Lard is where a lot of taste comes from. serve it in a big soup cauldron in the middle of the table, with a pile of gordita hand made tortillas, extra chile salsa, and watch that posole disappear.

Who has the CLICAL OST for the korean drama Beethoven Virus?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why he has not text-ed or email back?

Ok! I work with this guy that I have a crush on. He knows I like him, and we flirt all the time. We have kiss a couple of times and we actually when out one night to a bar only us two. What I don't understand is why sometimes he acts like he doesn't care? Some days he will be mega nice and other days he wont. We were fine on the weekend, I text-ed and email him on Tuesday to see how he was doing and never got a respond back. I got to work on thursday and saw him and he acted a little different. I told him I TEX-TED HIM on Tuesday and he acted like he did not know and smile at me. What is up with that?????? Please help... : (

How the Christians and Jews turned the table to say that Isaac was the intended son of sacrifice?

Ishmael was born from the maid of Sarai and therefore not considered by God as the firstborn ( or begotten ) son of Abram

Did Manning really deserve the MVP?

In my opinion no. Dont get me wrong he is a hall of famer, but i think there were more worthy canidates like chris johnson, or maybe even Brett Favre.

Does anyone know if its true that chad and sonny almost kiss in the upcoming episodes of sonny with a chance?

ive been on youtube reading the comments and most of them ay that they almost kiss in the upcoming episodes if you know any imformation abut it like what episode it is please answer


Cigarettes have gotten really expensive over the last 10 years. I was spending about $350.00 per month smoking 2 packs a day of Marlboro Lights. That's when I called it quits after 25 years.

Yankee Fans - Do you think Yank pitchers are getting squeezed by the home plate umps?

NO, it is only delusional yankee fans who need to make up excuses for losing. Wang is also a great pitcher who should win 20 games this year if not for those damn umps!

Best way to travel from Bangkok to Pattaya?

Pattaya is about 2 hours drive from Bangkok. You can get a taxi for about 1,200 baht one way or make a deal for round trip. Bus is cheaper about 300 baht. But why would you want to go to Pattaya for a day trip, seems like a big waste of time, you can have more fun in Pattaya.

Elements compunds and mixtures?

in which clifacation of matter are the components chemicaly combined?, A.alloy? B.compound? C. colloid? D. suspension?

I recently purchased the adobe creative suite 5 design standard and the license agreement keeps popping up?

Okay so here's the thing, i purchased the cs5 design standard student and teacher edition at harvey norman the other day. First i installed it without the serial number, so i was basically using the trial version right. The download and installation went pretty smooth till i click on illustrator, indesign and photoshop and the license agreement keeps popping up, so i click agree and it pops up again. When i click the other programs which came with the set such as adobe bridge, adobe device central, adobe extendscript toolkit, adobe extension manager and adobe media encoder, it works perfectly fine. Yesterday i sent them my student ID and tax invoice and enrollment form and today i got the serial number for the cs5 suite and adobe acrobat 9. The previous day i had uninstalled the whole thing and wait for the serial number (i figured maybe this was the reason it wasn't working) and guess what? This morning i installed it again with the serial number and same shiit happened, the license agreement thing keeps popping up like a b*tch and wont let me use the frikkin program so i'm really stressing out about it lol. I'm wondering is there any solution to this problem? because i really need these programs for school and i'm running out of time if i dont fix the problem. I guess the only way i can finish off my work is at school, but there's not enough time, i'd rather work on it at home so yeah...someone please help!

Birth Plan, did I leave anything out?

with a section i dunno about your hospital but in mine they will only let 1 person be in the room, and thats if your awake if your asleep they wont allow anybody in the room

Help!! How can I wean my child off the bottle at night??

Recently weaned my 14 month son off his pacifier and now at night he cries for his bottle just to have the nipple in his mouth even though he isn't drinking the milk or water out of it...he cries for dear life when I try to take it away from him....dunno what to do...first time mother....please mommas out there give me some advice...thanks...serious answers only....pls....thanks!!

Any good websites for cabinet sections?

I am looking for good CAD or hand drafted sketch of a cabinetry section that I can use as reference for one that I have to create. Anyone know of a good site to check out for this?

How much is too much?.........................…

i get anxious when i dont hear from this girl i like, which usually results in me initiating contact. let me put it out there that she has not once called or texted me on her own in the 3 or 4 weeks we have been seeing each other. ive ruled out lack of interest on her part because she is always receptive to my ideas of going out and likewise doesnt resist when we kiss. but i feel intrusive when i text or call her although she has never said anything negative about it. ahhh, i text her every 2-3 days to see if she wants to go out or meet up and while its 100% yes's so far, she doesn't initiate ever. id like to talk to her and hang out with her but i dont want to seem bothersome.

Can't remember the name of some movie about water?

I can't remember it very well, sorry lol. I just remember certain parts like people having to shower with powder stuff to hydrate their skin, and some little machine thing that sucks the water out of peoples skin. I can't really remember much... Can anyone attempt to guess what it is from such little details? :P I can't remember the name of it... Also I think there were some weird *** kangaroo things in it... O.o

I need a email signature about being green?

My friend has an email that says "Please consider the environment before printing this email," I am looking for a signature that is like this, but different wording. Where can I find one or do you have one about being green? My company wants to be more green and we're looking for something that states it to other people to consider conserving our resources.

You have the following information about a profit-maximizing firm in a perfectly competitive market. ?

Output is 3,000 units and total revenue equals $9,000. Average cost is $3.25 and marginal cost is rising at $3.00. Is the firm in the correct position or should it make some sort of adjustment in price or quantity produced and sold? Why?

Did you bet on the Steelers too..?

Wow.. Am i the only one who is completely blowned away by the end so much money was lost today in Las vegas cuz of this game..

Looking forward to see 'Angels & Demons'?

Can't wait. I think it will be very good and better than The Da Vinci Code. I'm so excited to see some of those visuals on screen.

Will enlisting for six years in the Air Force automatically get you e-3, even if its not on the contract?

If one enlists for 6 years into the Air Force, do they automatically get promoted to E-3 after 20 weeks from going to basic? Honestly not had much luck getting a plethora of information from the recruiter. DEP program specifically.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Do you think Hilary Clinton has been put under heavy sedation?

As much as I dislike Hillary Clinton, I would not clify her as a Nazi. Probably a Communist except the Clinton�s money is their money not the money of the Proletariat. Communists have killed more people than the Nazi�s ever imagined.

Does cocaine block gauifenesin from working to remove calcium phosphate?

my friend is a fibromyalgia sufferer like me. Gauif, pulls calcuim phosphate out of my body and heals. I want to help my friend but not sure if the drug use will block the med. Yes rehab is coming next for my lovd one

How do i heal emo cuts?

ok im 12 going into 7th grade and wanna get rid of my cuts from like when i waz 11.. they still there and i wanted to know how i get rid of them like naturaly. i cant like buy anything special for them bec i dont want my parents to know they pretty deep,, plz help it would be appreciated :P

Is this a correct essment of American woman?

Where do you get this garbage? Americans are individuals who take full advantage of the freedom of choice. You're implying that the rules of some bozo sect blanketly apply to ALL women. That's totally wrong!

If it were socially accepted, would you still enjoy using a sippy cup &/or pacifier?

Dude, sippy cups are the ****!.... me and my cousin use them all the time, she has a pink one but mine is as big as one of those giant cups you get at the gas stations!, haha... we rock the sippy

What is the correct answer?Please explain?(10 points and 5 stars for the best answer)Thanks?

I suppose it's e), the solution contains Ag+ or Pb2+. Just compare the solubility of the compounds and you'll see that the compounds of Ag+ and Pb2+ with the anions from the test tubes are very low soluable. It definitely can't be Na+, K+ or NH4+, because these cations generally form highly soluable compounds.

Is it ok to shave "down there"?

Is it healthy or ok for a woman to shave "down there?" I've heard different things & I just want an honest straightforward answer.

Going over line at red light query...?

My cousin was in her car the other day in icy conditions, not speeding because of this but the floor was more slippery than she realised. She approached a set of traffic lights that proceeded to go to red and pressed her breaks as you would in icy conditions, in good time yet not to sharply as to lock and skid but the car kept going as it was extremely icy as it was 5 in the morning and no others cars were out. She then used her gears to stop but by the time the car came to a stand still she was over the second white line. She is now worried that this will mean she has a �60 fine and 3 points on her licence as she has only just started driving and has only 6 points to start with. Could any one share any light on this as she is very worried because it not like she went speeding straight through them on purpose. Thanks.

Dundruff mesiry solution?

This is great try it. Shampoo your hair normally then instead of conditing use half a cup of warm water and half a cup of white vinegar, rub in your hair and rinse normally, and No it does not smell, this is the best hair conditioner you will ever use

Will Anderson Silva, Fight George St Pierre?

Nah GSP already said 185 is way too high for his natural weight so he has no plan to move up. Anderson Silva will kill GSP anyways at 185.

What is your dream ps3 game?

Mine is a game where its like the sims, only a lot more realistic. When you get a job, you have to actually go and do it (it doesnt simulate you doing it.) you get to choose your job (such as cop, firefighter, criminal, etc etc) when you interact with people, you talk through a headset and they understand you completely, and they talk back. You could get married and have kids, you could beat your wife then go to therapy. You could kill someone then go to jail, and have to ind a way to get back out of jail, then you have to move. Anwway thats oart of my dream game. whats yours?

What are the causes/symptoms/dangers of an enlarged infant heart?

My11 month old daughter who has allergy induced asthma but very rarely needs breathing treatments was having cough attacks, runny nose, fever, trouble breathing, wheezing, etc so when she wasn't getting better i took her to the ER last night.. They examined her and took x rays of her chest.. After being there for 4 hours and having to repeat the x rays twice the doctor told me that they didn't find pneumonia they found an enlarged heart.. They didnt believe it had anything to do with her bronchitis but felt we were lucky to find it this way.. She is nearly 1 yr old, 27lbs(she's a chubby girl), walking since 9 months, very active, and has never shown signs of anything serious. Her blood pressure at the ER while holding completely still was 144/99.. I'm very worried and am unable to contact her doctor till Monday. Can anyone give me any information? Also, they perscribed her antibiotics, atrovent for her breathing machine, a steroid, an anti inflamatory, and Lortab.. I don't understand the need for all of these meds especially a narcodic in an infant. Please help.

A plane, diving with a constant speed at an angle of 53 degree with the vertical, releases a projectile at an?

A plane, diving with a constant speed at an angle of 53 degree with the vertical, releases a projectile at an altitude of 730 m. The projectile hits the ground 5 s after release. a) What is the speed of the plane? b) How far does the projectile travel horizontally during its flight? c) What are the horizontal component of its velocity just before striking the ground?

How do I honour my recently deceased dog? She's my best friend.?

I always bury my animals that have ped on in my backyard and plant a shrub on top of them it always reminds me of them especially when it is in flower

Turtle turtle....Do all New Jersy guys still rock the mullets?

There's a concencus in society that New Jersy is the mullet capital of the world. Is this true? Are they all stuck in 1986 like I've heard or is this a misconception possibly brought on by the Bon Jovi album New Jersy or another ridiculous reason. If your in Jersy and have a mullet please let us know. ........Turtle turtle.

Droid virus in mms message?

You cannot get a virus via texting- a text message cannot contain any executable programs or processes that would be necessary to install a virus

How to make so that programs automatically install to an external hard drive instead of C.?

I absolutely can not have things installing to C because of low disk space and some applications won't ask where they wnat to be installed to.

Need a Halloween costume idea for a slightly fat girl!?

your not big enough to worry about your weight. I say be whatever you want. Isn't that what Halloween is for. Ugly Betty is cute though. But you could pull of anything.

GREAT GATSBY........................…

She would not be with Gatsby unless he was rich and had a huge house. Gatsby knew this from the start and never felt he was good enough for her, because she had money and he had nothing. Which is why he lied to everyone. He made everyone believe that he came from a wealthy background simply so that Daisy would love him.

Is there any possible way for the Crysis 2 Demo to work on Intel 945 GM?

I have the infamous Intel 945 GMA mobile chipset. I am wondering if I could be able to play the Crysis 2 Demo. I have 2 GB of RAM and a 1.7 GHz processor. Is there any mod or hack or something that would allow me to play the game?

Which type of refrigerator/freezer thermometer is most accurate?

I'm not necessarily looking for a specific brand (though that might be helpful in addition to my primary question), but I would like to know what type of thermometer is most accurate for use in the refrigerator and freezer, bi-metallic, liquid (spirit) filled or digital and why is this choice better than the other two? I've tried researching this online and can't find much to help me out. I have two bi-metallic thermometers and they don't seem to be very accurate at all, but this may be due to the quality of these specific models (they were only $5 a piece) and not indicative of bi-metallic thermometers in general. I know the spirit filled (liquid filled) are the oldest, but that doesn't mean they are less accurate, necessarily. Likewise, I know digital is the newest technology but again, newer doesn't imply "better." Thanks in advance for your answers. :)

Depositing money in account?

i was on the brink of buying a house,but mortgage fell through at the last minute,i have a sizeable deposit lying in lawyers account,that i now have to take back and deposit in my account until another mortgage becomes available,my parents gave me most of the money and i saved the rest,but im worried about putting this money in my account,will it start alarm bells ringing?or will it be ok as long as i can prove where it has come from?im worried about the bank being suspicious that its laundered or whatever,am i being worried over nothing?

H2+Cl2=2HCl How many moles of HCl will be produced when 2.8 moles of H2 were reacting with Cl2?

5.6 moles of HCl will be produced, as the hydrogen is in a one:two mole ratio with the HCl. 2.8 mol of molecular hydrogen will react with 2.8 mol of molecular chlorine, producing 5.6 mol of hydrocholric acid.

Advice for the lyrics i wrote?

kind of generic, and people will definitely recognize the tool ripoff in the chorus from 'sober'... try being more drastic in your style, and have more free form than verse/chorus/verse/chorus....although this may depend on your band members...actually rereading it all before posting my answer i notice a few more tool ripoffs in the lyrics..listen to 'sober', keep your ideas, remove anything that sounds like sober and try again...

Will having one ovary speed up the onset of menopause?

No reason that it should. That's either good news or bad, depending on how you feel about menopause. LOL

Can Pantheism be Atheistic?

I think that if there is a God it is so far above us as to render the term "conscious" meaningless. We're like insects discussing airplane design.

Am i Fat :( .........?

You can try doing things in your life, like walking home after school, going on a shopping spree with your friends, go for a jog at the park, maybe go swimming, whatever you want. You could take your dog for even longer walks, then you could both get fit! Yeah I'm 13 and your weight as well... so thats what I've been doin, and I've lost a few kilos so yeah try that maybe it will work for you too. Hope this helps =)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

To Republicans opposed to Mitt Romney for president?

Mitt Romney, like all multimillionaires running for high office, can hire the best speech writers in the world. Like the other Republican candidates he is just a slightly less dumb Bush look-a-like.

What do you think of Marion?

I love the idea of honoring someone in this way. I also like some old fashioned names, if I feel they will be accepted in today's trends. I don't think Marion is ready for a come back anytime in the near future, just based on my studies. The name gives me the image of an elderly woman sitting on her front porch, watching the world go by. I've actually never heard of Marion Collard. I think using it as a middle name would be wonderful. That way you can still honor this loved one, yet give your daughter something you like more. I do prefer the spelling of Marian, yes. If your willing to do an alternative, I can't think of a better one than Mariana. I believe it fits in today's trends more, and I would love it as a first name.

Cont - Lower Right Stinging Abdomonal Pain on Palpation?

Could be the start of a hernia. When I got mine, that's just how it felt, a burning sting from where the muscles separated. It won't hurt to cough until the hernia becomes an emergency (strangulated). You could also have a bladder infection. You might want to check out an urgent care clinic or E.R. if your doc can't see you for 2 weeks.

Who do you think is hotter? Skandar Keynes Or William Moseley?

SKANDAR KEYNES!!!!! <3 I LOVE HIM SOOO MUCH HE IS Y SKANDARLUSS!!!!! William is pretty cute too, but Skandar is closer to my age, and he's y!!!!!

Tenho um grave problema no meu casamento?

me casei com um rapaz maravilhoso, mas nao sinto amor por ele, na verdade queria sair de casa e ele me chamou p morrar c ele, era minha oportunidade de unir o util ao agradavel ,mas agora nao suporto a situa�ao de viver c ele, por outro lado nao tenho recursos p ser independente!!!!!!!!!! ele faz tudo por mim,mas ................ele nao me atrai nao sinto desejo, nao amo ele, e NAO ESTOU SUPORTANDO MAIS!!!! hj revi um primo meu e me bateu muita saudade dele..........que devo fazer?

What is the name of the mythical south west part of America that is owned by the Aztecs? ?

Tenochtitlan was the major city, Mexico City is about 10 km away from it and some of Mexico city is on top of the ruins. Is that what you're talking about??

Anxiety Boyfriend Issue....please help me....I dont know how to deal with this one...?

Don't listen to Shirley. Obviously, she has never dealt with what you are dealing with. I am a guy with general anxiety disorder and my fianc� says the same things you have described. In my case my wife will try all of these things that you have and I react the same way. As you have noted, your bf has some stress he is dealing with. The guy has a lot on his mind. I have found instead of asking if he wants something just do it. Like give him a mage without asking. Whether he shows it or not he appreciates it. Don't be afraid that he wants to split-up. He doesn't. Trust me. Give him like a few hours of alone time and he will respond. In the meantime read up on what he is dealing with so that you have a better understanding. Here is a website that you and him can both benefit from: It's packed with great information and resources. The administrator is great at replying to your suggestions and comments as well. It's gonna be just fine.

Icing for hot weather?

When you are talking about those kinds of temperatures, there isn't really any icing that is going to hold up well. Fondant would do the best for the cake and royal icing for the decorations. All icing has er or shortening and in temperatures like that, er and shortening melt. There is no getting around it. And if you keep it in the refrigerator until they pick it up, it's going to sweat when you take it out. So what I do, is to tell the customer ahead of time what the consequences could be when the temperature and/or humidity is up. And that it is better for the cake to sweat a little bit than for it to melt. So if they could just refrigerate it up until the last possible minute would be best. If they are willing to do that then you could use er-creme or cream cheese frosting. And about the er flavor crisco; I use regular crisco and add almond extract for better flavor when I make ercreme. But I prefer the taste of cream cheese icing.

Are we creating a fertile ground for sophisticated political corruption...?

You will never stop MPs stealing the country's silver unless you bring back our Original treason laws, with the death penalty, after all, what have they to fear? the worst that can happen is that they lose their job for a year or two, (or however long it takes to die down.) A country without real punishment is nothing but a potential victim. As we are finding out with our new "PC" lead legal system. When people have nothing to fear, they do as they please.

Running costs of electric boilers?

Just wondering which is usually cheaper on a month to month basis or if there is no difference. Combi boiler vs electric with a water tank? Thanks

My son is on antibiotics, but new symptoms are appearing?

My 4 yo son (twin, 5 weeks early, pneumonia 4 times) was seen at a walk in clinic on Saturday for a high fever (104.5) he had for 2.5 days. He was diagnosed with an ear infection and given antibiotics. His fever broke Sunday. However, on Monday he started having a terrible cough, continuing today with the cough. He was tested Saturday for the flu (nose swab with answer back right away) and was negative. However, with the H1N1 virus, one thing warranting an ER visit (says the news) is being sick, getting better, then symptoms reappearing after a few days including fever and worse cough. While his cough is absolutely worse, his fever has not returned. Not wanting to be a neurotic mom, I need to know if his cough itself would warrant a revisit/ER visit. Thanks!

Describe the meaning "being in love" verses lusting for someone.?

NOTE: this is not something i am pondering over, just out of mear curiousity what others views on being in love and being attracted to someone and caring for them deeply.. is there a differance? i have a friend that say everytime she ends up with someone knew she says "im soo inlove with this person" always saying this one is the real deal to then find out it wasnt the one for her. so there ya go.. have at it and in your own words explain how you view being in love with someone and knowing w/o a shadow of a doubt that this is the "ONE"


i want to become a model for roxy. i live in Orange County, CA, and i want dont know where to go to audition and stuff. if you have a website or a phone number to call for roxy, please tell me! thanks!

DEP/Future soldier program?

The difference is that you know it's BS. Most deppers eat this sh!t up, since it makes them feel like they're actually in the military. If you don't want to do it, then don't do it.

80's pop rock women singers?

Devo,Black Flag, Talking Heads, Blondie, Pretenders,Germs,Dead Milkmen, Police,Tears for Fears,Wham,the Cars,Berlin

Is this a dumb idea for a tatoo?

Lol, I'm getting a cat on my stomach. BUT it's the silloutte of the backside of a cat and the cat's part right under its tail will be on my bellyon so it's like my bellyon is it's hole. Haha my boyfriend came up with it. Dumb? Unique? What do you think?

Have you ever wanted.........????

hot chocolate but you were out of the mix so you thought maybe some tabasco sauce on a hershey bar would be good hot chocolate but it is not it actually sizzucks real bad???

Why so much controversy from Iraqi parliament re continued US troop presence in Iraq?

One trick in politics is to say you hate the Americans, thereby getting lots of Iraqi followers, while on the other side, signing deals with the US to get money, aid, weapons. Win win for Iraqi parliament. Not so much for US.

PLesaSE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

you may be on to something. i feel all the languages that are dominant in any area should have the info avail. in the packets avail. to insure that everyone concerned about a question can have the answers they desire. but thats not the case everywhere so thanks to you, you can translate some of the info to the parties concerned.i'm sure in some cases they may be to personal of a question to ask a toal stranger face to face. hopefully with that said they seek professional help, to answer there questions and address there concerns

Question about tobacco dip????????????

yes it can cause all of those kinds of cancer. it impossible to tell when the cancer may happen (or if it even will) because everyones body is different and cancer is still in a lot of ways kind of a mystery. but the more exposure the greater the risk. its good that you are trying to help your friend but with all addictions they wont quite until they want too.

Is it better to season a humidor with distilled water or 50/50 propylene glycol solution?

Distilled water only!! if the Humidor is new then you want to season the Cedar wood on the inside take a water Mister bottle fill with Distilled water Completely drench all the walls inside and close the lid and let the water absorb into the cedar do this several times a day for a couple of days Then let the humidity get to the level you want slowly by opening the lid and closing it then you can use your hydration pads and it will hold consistent humidity depending on how much you open and close it if you use anything but distilled water it will make your cigars taste bad if they are left in there to age

Va state driving law?

The age of majority in Virginia is 18 and there is no legal way your parents can take your license or prevent you from driving.

Just took 3 Klonopin.. am I ok?

you should sleep like a baby , give it a little time to work. Yes you will feel dizzy and a bit spaced-out. Many Doctors give this to there patients to help them sleep

Writing for sci-fi and need info about preserving life?

Okay so in a calss for school called sci-fi we have to write a science fiction story that involves preserving life. I was going to write something along the lines of cryogenics.... now what I need is detailed info about whether or not someone could be frozen then thawed and not be dead? Or is there another way to preserve someone for lond periods of time? Similar to cryogenics? Now it doesn't have to be set at this time but it does have to make sense as far as the science goes, so no made up bs answers is how my teacher put it pretty much.... yeah any help is nice thanks :)

I have seen conflicting tips on the internet for how to care for an Amaryllis bulb after it has bloomed. Tips?

I have seen conflicting tips on the internet for how to care for an Amaryllis bulb after it has bloomed. What is the right thing to do once the bulb has flowered and the flowers are starting to wilt? I am growing the bulb indoors. I want to keep it healthy so that it will bloom so beautifully again.

Where to find a genie?

hey pplz do you guys know where i can find a genie or a lamp with a genie in it? im a believer in magic and i believe they are real i dont want wish for money nor love for i have already have both but there some things that i am missing in life and me a human cant get them alone so do you know where i can find a genie? oh yea for those ppl who are greedy and wont tell me then dont answer this question

Did Shakespeare make a mistake in Romeo and Juliet?

That man is saying it because he dosen't know how to read, and he is comparing his handicap to other people who would have to deal with things they are not used to

Can someone help ? Got problem with my computer?

When i reinstall windows 1-2 weeks its ok but then starts to restart all the time and getting some errors like : " Windows could not start becouse the following file is missing or corrupt : isapnp.sys or sometimes file : Ntfs.sys , also sometimes get only blue screen , or disc checking C: or D: and cant turn it on for a day sometimes so can someone help me please i dont know what to do and i dont know is it harware or software in question here for these problem :S ?? Please HELP !?!

Am i a native american indian if some of my parents have indian in there familys? if so can you tell me?

i am from north carolina what other kind of native americans are there besides cherokee?my dads mothers sister is full blooded moms mother is indian not cherokee i was what other tribes is there in nc?i really need to working on my geneagoly.thank you.angela ray [johnson]i am german,scottish,and irish.hope you can help me.i cant seem to find any native please

How do I get Sirius satellite radio at home?

I just got a new car and I get Sirius free for a few months. On the radio they always say to go online and sign up for an account and stuff. I looked around the site but couldn't figure out a way to sign up without having a credit card or something. Can I not use this feature because I don't pay for the service? Do I have to wait until my free trial is up and I start paying for it? Also, I plan on keeping it when my trial expires, but I don't want it only in my car, I want it in my house and stuff too... Can I buy a satellite radio or something and have it in both places? Or would I have to pay twice to have it like that? If so then I don't want it.. Can anyone help??

How to tell someone their a bad kisser?

My boyfriend and i were making out the other night and it was very bad. The tougne and everything was great but his teeth were digging into my top right part of my lip! i woke up with the fattest lip of my life.. it was all black and blue and now scabbed over. soo noticeable and painfull!! is there any tips or suggestions how to change how i make out so he doesnt do this? or any way thjat i can tell him with out actually saying, oh hey your teeth are digging into me? haha help pleaseeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Algae eater/ sucker fish question?

Your fish will be in extreme danger in a couple to 3 weeks. This will be the point where your ammonia will spike as the new aquarium cycles. Shortly after that you will see a spike in the nitrIte level, which is also extremely poisonous to your fish. At about 6 to 8 weeks the ammonia and nitrItes will drop to 0 and you will start seeing increasing levels of nitrAtes. THAT is when your aquarium will be safe for fish. I can't imagine that the solutions they use to pickle cubers are any good for the water in your aquarium either. You need to study a lot on how an aquarium works and cycles before you are ready to keep tropical fish. has some great info on how to set up and cycle an aquarium without harming any fish.

Why can't pigtail 14 AWG wire to 20 AMP circuit ?

I was told you can't pigtail 14 AWG conductor to 20 AMP or 30 AMP circuits.What I mean is say you want to get a branch off a 30 AMP outlet and install a new 15 AMP outlet from that 30 or 40 AMP outlet.Why can't I use a 14 AWG wire? Inside main panel, all circuits 15 or 20 or 30 AMP are branched off 100 or 150 AMP ,so why is is o.k. there?? Please respond if you know the answer,don't lecture me from NEC codes ,thanks.

I just failed my first college course..?

My heart just sank seriously have you ever taken a college course where you work your off day and night get no sleep and fail?!?!!! I go to a well known profound fashion design college but don't label this criteria of work a no brainer thing. seriously. but no really have you ever failed a college cl that you seriously busted your ***?!

Grinding at 13-14 yrs oldd?

Where I live people grind at ages younger than 13 and they start having at 10+. If it's like that where you live i don't think you'll be known as slutty. The guy might get turned on. Edit:Grinding is not and you can't get a STD from it or get pregnant from it as long as you're wearing clothes.

Will Casey Anthony have a normal life IF she is found 'not guilty'?

Could it be her looks, let alone not even knowing her. I don't want to date people I don't know. Then you'd have to consider waiting until AFTER she is found not guilty to ask if they will date her. Anyway to the point, she'd have to move to be able to have a normal life. You mention OJ, but that's not fair. He was famous BEFORE the trial. Let alone the trial would have made him more famous. No one really will know who she is in 5 years if she is found not guilty(may not even take that long).

Does anyone think the Dallas Mavericks can beat the San Antonio Spurs without Dirk breaking Manu's nose?

It happened in the playoffs last year and again in the first game they played this year. Both times it effectively stopped Manu from running circles around the Mavs.

Anyone have some bands they'd like to share?(:?

ok i don't thnk i saw the beatles there so you'd wanna start with them , being the fathers of modern music nd all...... don't think i saw bob dylan there either he's a legend and the coronas are a pretty good irish band you should look them up....

Shahnavaz Banquet Hall Pictures?

It would be great if anyone has pictures of the Shahnavaz Banquet Hall in Lakewood, CA. I'm planning to have my party there, but I would like to see it before I book it. I've searched and searched, but there seems to be nothing online for this particular banquet hall. So I was hoping someone out there had an event here so I could see the hall without having to drive there (approx. 26miles from my home) Any pictures of the interior of the hall would be much appreciated.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Should I get checked for an ovrian cyst?

Yes, if you're 16 you're old enough to get checked, and from now on should do so regularly. Make sure you tell them about your family history as well.

I m not able to decide....?

Hi, I got married 4 yrs back. Things were nvr like it wud have bn betwn a couple..he was alwys more involved in himself..reading..sleeping, watching TV..sitting on net..lot of other stuff wth which he was phy relatn also..may be twice amonth...I was not happy all the while, I tried, i spoke to him many times about it..but he never cared...3 yr of our marriage, I think I didnt had any love for him..we lived like 2 ppl under same roof..I started makign frends..and fell for one guy...I stopped cing after 5 months..I felt I am doing something wrong to love someone else..Few days back, I got his pword somehow, I was checkin his mails and found tht he was deep in cyber S*X from past 4 yrs..thts the reason he alwys use to tell me at night tht he is tired n watch TV late nights..I m shattered..I dnt knw wat to do..I dnt love him anymre.

Particle of m m is taken from centre of the base of a uniform hemisphere m M & radius R to infinity?

The work performed in the process by gravitational force exerted on partcle by solid hemisphere is .

How come most people perceive black girls as unattractive?

they ume straight up black girls are manly or sumn...b/c they are not weak like OTHER race of women....a lot of men like women who are girls AINT pive

Rock is ALMOST dead, agree or disagree?

I personally think its gonna get stormed out by pop & hip hop, we've got Kanye West, Jojo, Chris Brown and many others, the rockers/emos have MCR and r still hung up on heavy metal, we've moved on!

I need constructive crit on my poetry?

Its more like a poetic short storie if you know what i mean, its very good! but u should think of it less as a poem,

Any freeware programmes that allow you to put a picture on a magazine cover?

Does anyone know of any freeware programmes that allow you to impose a picture of someone onto a genuine magazine cover.

Similes and Metaphors about jealousy?

I'm doing this poem kind of thing, and I need at least 2 similes and metaphors about jealousy. Something thats starts with Jealousy is (metaphor) and Jealousy is like (simile). I'm in middle school so not anything to difficult, I want something very simple.

Can you go "home" again?

i dont think you can go home again ive been back 'home' again several times and it only gets harder each time i fell more like a stranger each time i go and its only gotten worse with time

Does she like me? 10 points for Best Answer?

she always says hi to me.Also she makes fun of people but never about me. she would sit next to me and tell me stuff in my ear Also when she was talking she would grab my arm. she has done this more than once i asked her to sit next to me and we shared headphones.also we were talkin online last night and i was about to get off so i told her i was goin to bed so i gave her my number and told her to hit me up sometime then she told me goodnight and told me if i need 2 contact her anytime with her number afterwards then she said i will see you tommorow in caps. today was the 1st time i was alone with her she was goin leave the cl 2 walk around so i was like ur just goin leave me here alone so she told me to go with her i did we just walked around and talked but when we were walkin she gave2 guys hugs and she has never gave me a hug and she has never wrote me first online when someone says something stupid we look into each others eyes and start laughing even when its not funny.

Hi i wnat to re produce my flowers but they dont want to i need help?

Get some Rootone. It's a rooting hormone. You dip your cutting in it before you plant it. What types of flowers are you trying to reproduce? Some can actually be rooted in water.

Fantasy trade help please!?

if he thinks really highly of CJ he will take the deal but i wouldnt be surprised if he turned it down

What is the three-cell model of atmospheric circulation?

How is this model related to global high and low pressure systems, predominant winds, and distribution of the major biomes?

Chronic upper back, neck, headaches are starting to make me suicidal, help me please!?

I had low back pain for over 4 years. constantly. it was definitely bad for morale. It eventually went away on it's own, but I hit the wall a few times myself. I think Yoga helped - if you haven't tried it, try it.

Whats the difference between a therapist, psychologist and a physchiatrist?

Can anyone tell me the difference- and i know they all hlp people, but whats the difference between them?

Spanish: A Little Help Please?

Nos divertidas does not make sense in Spanish I think it is nos "divertimos"..."distinto del colegio actual donde por desgracia tenemos mucho trabajo as� no nos divertimos m�s". I think it is like that.

Does OJ and Bleach clean your system of THC?

My friend drank a gallon of OJ with a tablespoon pf bleach(that amount will not kill you, i called poison ctontrol and asked them) she said that her system was clean of THC right after. Is that true? If not what works best to clean your system out, in a day? Dont say dont smoke pot bc im not looking for that answer

What is this tv show?

It's american. There's been a failed mission to mars, and a new crew goes on a spaceship where they keep having flashbacks. It was on last year and i can't remember the name?

I need some advice on how to deal with these people. Please answer.?

I work in an attorneys office as a secretary. The attorney that hired me is a horrible person. Everyone talks about how great of a person she is but shes not to my family. Both of our daughters are in 9th grade and my son is in 8th grade. Her daughter and all her daughters friends are horrible to my children. Her husband is an investment banker on wall street. He lives in an apartment in New York during the week and flies their private jet home for the weekends. My husband, my daughter, Melody, my son, David, and myself are expected to attend dinners and other social events as well as get a sitter for my two children with downs. We are told to attend and then are given the cold shoulder once we get there. Several of the attorneys have children in high or middle school. They all make fun of my daughter while we are there. On friday night, there is a party at my bosses house. They live on a very high end country club. All of their neighbors are going as well as everyone from our office and their families. I was told to come and bring my family. I asked how many of her neighbors had kids around our kids age and she said all of them. This is not good because wealthy children just automatically pick on my daughter because we cant afford brands like Polo, Ugg, Abercrombie, and whatever else they wear. My daughter wears jeans from target and t shirts. She hates wealthy children because not one of them has ever been nice to her. All the children that are going to the party are all very immature. They sit around, gossip, complain about their perfect lives, and demand that their parents buy them things.My daughter isn't like that so she doesn't fit in because of that either. My boss has a pool and she said that the kids would swim. My daughter never swims because she thinks she is over weight and is only allowed to wear one piece swim wear. I dont want my son to see all the teenage girls there in their tiny, revealing designer bikinis. I was told to come with my family. My boss is not capable of being empathetic. I have explained to her our situation and asked her to make an exeption but she just said that my parenting problems werent her problem. Last time we were at a dinner at the country club, my husband walked over to my bosses husband and introduced himself. When he held out his hand, her husband just looked at it then walked away. I don't want my boss to get mad at me like she has before if i don't show up but i cant put up with it any more. My daughter was crying today when i told her there was another party we had to go to. I have looked for other jobs but i no businesses are accepting aplications. My husband was recently umemployed to my family is relying on me to put food on the table. What should i do about this?

Would the hard-working folks in this great country of ours mind if I change every noun to "maverick"?

As long as you leave the noun "marriage" alone. They're a little sensitive about that particular word.

Webcam help, 10 points?

So basically i have a advent modena M201 red and it doesn't have a webcam software so i have been using youcam the take pictures but the trail has run out and i need decent FREE software's to download to my laptop as many i have tired are rubbish please help me by leave links to FREE downloadable software without disc's and eveything thank you :)

I always get hicups after a few corbonated drinks when i go out what do you reconmend 4 me to drink instead.?

Haven't had a good night out yet bec i always feel bloated n get the hiccups when i drink just wonder if anyone has this experience and if they could help thanks!..

Can anyone tell me what the Choctaw word for granddaughter is?

I would also like to know if there is a specific Native American symbol for granddaughter or grandchild. Thanks

What are some cool poses for me and my friends to do for a picture?

Me and my two other friends are taking professional pictures at a banquet. What are some good poses we can do ? We wanna do a kinda funny but nice one at the same time

Custom duties of Canada?

one other thing you may want to take note of is that the warranty may not cover cameras bought out of the country. i just came across this tidbit of information yesterday. go to both couyries websites to make sure or talk to customer service representative

Okay. Big dilemma. Do I quit my job and go somewhere else to become a MASCOT?!?

I hate to burst your bubble, I would stay at Toys R Us. working as a mascot you can make money, but the drawback is that it would look funny on your resume about working as a Mascot. Toys R Us is good for teaching people skills, organizational skills, and eventually maybe management skills. Just my suggestion.

Does he like me? Hmmmm...?

okay so theres this boy lol anyway bout a month ago i was goin out with this one boy lets call him Bob while i was going out with Bob this other [the one i like now] [hes REALLY nice in the face lol] boy lets call him yBob told me he liked me but that was three weeks ago and i broke up with Bob [for a reason] but now every time i see ybob i blush and he smiles we havent really tlked but we smile and blush lol i kno him from his friends they tell me about him n stuff and tell him about me so i kinda have two Q's 1. how do i get to kno him better i hardly see him 2. does he like me enough to make a move?

I need a free TB shot (anywhere in or near San Bruno, CA)?

I'm uninsured and I need rly soon but I can't find any clinics in San Bruno, CA. If anyone knows any places around here that does around the ula, i would be soooo grateful, thanks


it's false carbon dioxide is an ending product, you breathe in oxygen so it's a starting product of respiration

Whats your cure for the automotive industry?

I would shut down all of the factories but continue to pay the labor full salaries. Invest all of your production capitol into R&D and be the first to m produce gasoline free automobiles. Then the federal government, in lieu of supporting the auto industries, can make the major auto manufacturing cities like, detroit, centers for sports, the arts, and other morale and economy boosting endeavors. Thoughts?

Can u grow a 9 inch weed plant?

with bud? and if u can how can i do it i have it sprouted now when should i start cuting the leeds off? i dont wanna kil it but i want it too be a small plant cuz im hiding it in my room and its in the open idc if it dont have alot of bud i just atlest want anuff for me and can i just cut the bud off and will it grow more bud again or do i have too grow anotherone :o?

Have you ever seen a kangaroo?

Only place in Thailand I seen a Kangaroo was in the Zoo but you can always see an elephant walking down the road here.

Girls I have some very exciting news :)?

Hi girls, sorry to go off topic a bit but what does BFP and TTC mean. I have also been trying to conceive for ages now. My cycle had gotten regular after I started taking folic acid. i had my last period in October. I have been having most of the regular symptoms but i am too afraid to go get a test coz I dont think I can handle the thought of being told its negative again. It just hurts so much!!

What would it take to bring back Country music?

Taylor Swift is not bringing back country music , her and her peers are changing traditional country into bubble gum country . We still have George Strait , Trisha Yearwood , Garth Brooks ,and a number of up and coming new " country " stars . Check out Joe Nichols. Aaron Watson and some other true country stars coming out of Texas.

Trying to find out what type of company these businesses are registered as? LLC? Inc.? Etc.?

Looking to find out what type of company these businesses are registered as legally? Is there a website I can go to to find out this information?,

Is this a cute outfit to go on a field trip?

It's a great outfit for a field trip. Your wearing something that makes you comfortable but at the same time you look fabulous! Have fun.

Is my PC well protected?

I use threatfire alongside malwarebytes. And I'm thinking of getting Spyware blaster can you give me opinions on that (I use torrents I don't want any problems)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Four Score and Seven Years Ago.....?

Never had to memorize the gettysburg address. had to memorize the bill of rights and all the constitutional amendments though :/

What's a good hobby to pick up?

I just finished cles for the semester and don't know what to do with myself until August! I work basically 8-5 M-F but get SO bored in the evenings! I need to update my scrapbook and get some books read but what's another little hobby I can pick up to kill some time? Knitting? Crochet? My boyfriend is 500 miles away otherwise I wouldn't have this problem....

Acne Relief?

yeah don't use that stuff. facial skin is too sensitive for those kinds of things. if you have time to run to the store, tea tree oil does wonders for those pesky under the skin pimples that hurt so bad. if you don't then pasty toothpaste overnight will help the redness and probably the swelling. sounds weird but it sucks out the I've heard. just make sure you drink a lot of water too, just to help keep your skin hydrated. :)

Do guys lie that they like a girl once they get rejected?

He probably got over you, good for him. You rejected him first. Also, you said you "loved him as a friend" first.

Spcmdcon.sys is missing!?

while trying to repaor windows xp with a windows pro cd, i get this error spcmdcon.sys is missing. how do i solve this?

Ewww they look real bad!?

i have a lot of blackheads on my nose and I've used a lot of componies products like Clean and Clear and Neutrogena but nothing seems to work.I am really fed up what should i do? please help mee!! please! thanks

Suggestions for a good bicycle (adult road bike) less than $800?

Google bike shops + zip code and you will see all of the bike shops in your area on a map. Look at Giant, Fuji, Schwinn for best bang for the buck or any of the last years models.

Are they making a harold and kumar go to white castle part 2?

Hell Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They go to jail...the one that's in Cuba I believe.....IT WILL BE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did CM Punk keeping his original name and gimmick help him in his WWE career?

In recent times CM Punk is one of the very few who was allowed to keep his indy name and gimmick without a complete WWE make over... Did this help him connect to a new audience while keeping his old following or did the WWE still manage to remove all the "indy star" from him and make him "their own"?

My 6 month old baby has a fever of 100.4 f, what should I do?

My baby is 6 months old and she has had a cough and been congested for the past few days, I took her tempature today and she has a fever of 100.4 F, Its saturday so i can't take her to our family doctor, But Im worried that It might be swine flu. Should I take her to the hospital, or is tehre nothing they can do anyways?

Who is surprised Democrats are ahead 12-4. Can you believe they beat the Republicans this bad?

They forgot to mention diaper wearing Republican Senator Daivd Vitter and Ex senator Repubican Norm Coleman both under investgation there will very soon be many more Republicans joining this so called" List" The GOP is desperate and grasping at straws For an unbiased list of who is under investigation , simply type in your search bar ,, congressmen under investigation ... it is quite an eye opener and the Republicans are in a Big lead.

Voting for your own best answer and allowing users to choose a best answer?

There are many things wrong with the system, and this is just one. I often think that it's actually Yahoo Awfully Wrong Answers. I've been upset by very bad choices of best answers and have had a hateful imbecile sending me messages full of obscenities and threats after I tried to teach him something when he gave best answer to nonsense. Yahoo even ignored it when I reported him and some of my contacts also did, but they gave me and them violations for no good reasons. Many people show that they are just ranting and not really asking questions when they give comments that show they've already decided what the answer is. There is no practical way to give best answers correctly, so groups with agendas have their way often. I had a question removed by some ignorant children who want to believe lies not the truth, but my stalker was allowed to give a dumb answer to one of my questions to annoy me. That's unjust to say the least.

Bring in a carry-on bag...?

well im going to mexico soon and i over pack alot on my carry-on. I learned the hard way and when i went to vegas i brung nothing. And the guy i went with slept the whole time! i was sooo bored. Im taking my ipod, labtop(only cuz i dont trust it in my bag). take something that will keep u busy for the long trip. def. books and magazines even crosswords or word finds. Also mayb some electronic game. def. bring candies. idk what else im sorry. lol =]

Atkins Diet Relapse?????

Yes, the Atkin's diet will make you lose weight. But normally once you come off of it and stay off, you gain the weight back. It is not a healthy diet for the long term...a very high protein/high fat diet is unhealthy for your kidneys and heart. Please be careful if you do choose to continue with Atkins.

Why am I always feeling so FAT!! I'm short...??

I'm 5'1 90 lbs, I run 1-3 miles 5 times a week, i do pushups, chinups, and crunches galore! I eat healthy, but I am always feeling FAT! I can't help it, when i look in the mirror all i see is a fatty! and yes i may be a size 1, but im thinking its only bec im short. Am i fat, or am i being paranoid? oh ya and im 25 yrs old.

What are your thoughts on what John Cena said at a house show about The Rock?

Going for Cena now. I actually think Cena will get more cheers than Rocky come WM 28. I despise The Rock now. What he did at WM 27 (overshadowing the main event of wrestlemania, was a travesty)

HELP!!! My friend is out to get me!!?

ok so my two best friends were dating a while back (like in Oct.). and i had the biggest crush on shane the whole time he was dating angela. they dated for about a month then some rumors went around and Angela left shane for another guy. i remained friends with shane. i dont like him anymore i like my other friend, john. well angela says she's over shane but is all upset and thinks i'm trying to hook up with shane, when she knows that i dont like him. and she's jealous and so she's trying to ruin my chances with john... WHAT DO I DO!??!?!

Is Spencer Hughes a Republican?

I'm just wondering... I'm listening to Fox Talk Radio and Spencer is ripping Bush a new one over Libby's commute.

Paddy McCourt, fit again after recovering from the injury problems which sidelined him for over two months, a?

Aiden needs dropped (best player at Celtic my ***) I would play Paddy on 1 wing and Niall on the other to see how that goes both better finisher than the 1 trick pony

How to know if a girl, who has never been in a relationship before, likes you? Cant talk to her about it becau

because her family is overprotective to a point where i cant call/ email her, and i seldom she her in public w/o her family.... what are some signs that she likes me as more than a friend? Please no comments on the situation with her/ her family, just answers. =)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

If the Book of Revelation is a symbolic book, then how can people come to believe that hell is eternal torture?

and not the grave? The book of revelation also speaks of flying magical dragons and locusts with lion heads. It says that people should pluck their eyes and legs out of their sockets. There are numerous scriptures in the Bible that controvert the idea of eternal torture. John 3:16 says very clearly that the punishment for unbelievers is death, not eternal torture. Additionally, hell and Satan is said in the bible to eventually perish in the Lake of Fire. How can there be a eternally torturing hell if there hell and Satan aren't there to enforce it? Additionally, the Lake of Fire in hell is all consuming and it purges nonbelievers from their sins. How can it purge their sins if the sinner never perishes but is tortured forever? Additionally, "Dante's Inferno" and Hel (a greek goddess known to torture men in the afterlife) helped spread this belief that hell is eternal torture. There are also numerous cases and books controverting the fiery version of hell. Additionally, Pagan beliefs about this torturous version of hell incorrectly infiltrated themselves into Christianity thirty years after the rebirth of Christ. There aren't that many times that the word "hell" is even mentioned in the bible, but most of the times it is referred to as "Gehenna" or "Hades." Hades literally means "the grave" in Greek, and Gehenna was fiery garbage dump in Jerusalem with which was used to methophorically describe hell as a place of burning. There are also numerous other arguments, but I can't remember them right now. If you need more evidence, google "The Case Against Hell." So could you please answer my question? What makes some of you so relentlessly firm on your belief that millions are people are being eternally tortured everyday? Do you want to burn forever, for this is what is going to happen to you for having such as desire for righteous people to be tortured endlessly? This isn't the word of God! Don't give me the "you can whitewash the concept and believe what you want, but the reality of the universe aren't bent on your beliefs because hell is endless torture" crap. Tell me the truth. What is hell?

Internet Explorer... HELP!?

When I go in Internet explorer the internet speed is very slow but when I use an other program (Ares, firefox, utorrent) the internet speed is fine. I don't like using the web with those programs. My operating system is Windows Vista. I think i've got a virus but if anybody can help me please do. Thnx!

Which wwe divas and wrestler do you think has the more fanbase today?

Those would go to John Cena and The Worlds' Biggest $lag, Kelly Kelly... I don't like either of them but little children and grown men do.

Please Comment on my Poem? :D?

If this isnt beautiful, i dont know what is. I think the word for this is caliginous, but a beautiful caliginous :)

Steelers trade Santonio Holmes to Jets for a used blocking sled?

what the **** why?im understanding that right?and blocking sled is the thing that football players Practice with! why would they do that?

Which CHI products....?

i know its early, but i want to start thinking about what to put on my christmas list. i need to know which CHI product(s) helps to prevent against humdity, and keep my hair from getting frizzy and keep it straight ALL DAY. I use a got2be product already but it deosnt work! it doesnt necesarily [i cant spell] have to be CHI, but any good product.

Who to start at RB: McGahee, McFadden or Moreno?

Gore is injured and Westbrook has a bye, so I have to start 2 out of these three. Moreno had a good week last week. McGahee has been scoring, but you never know against the Patriots. And the Texans have the worst rushing defense in the NFL. What do you guys think?

Which movie do you like better?

I bet the 2 movies that I have in mind for this poll will be to long to have in the question itself, but which of these 2 movies do you like better? The Chronicles of Narnia, the Lion, the Witch, and the Warobe, or Bridge to Terabithia? Good thing that I have both movies in, or everybody would be wondering which 2 movies that I have in mind. And do keep in mind the last choice is aslo brought out by the same studio that did the first choice. Both have different running times, one movie is longer then 2 hours, and the other movie is 96 minutes long.

What is your idea of 'gay culture'? Do we have gay 'traditions' and customs?

Like it or not,gay relationships have existed ever since humanity was created.Gay relationship has a strong presence in ancient cultures such as the Hellenic and the Roman ones.Also,there were,and maybe are (future will show), many men of genius who had orientation.But,as they made their contribution to human culture as a whole,I don't think it makes them a separate cultural group.As for gay traditions,well,gay people are different in their way but I don't think they have different culture,so,in my opinion,we should talk of gay subculture,rather than gay culture.All things are a product of their own environment.If gay people are product of our cultural environment,then they belong to it,right?

Why do misandrists persist in repeating the 99% statistic?

I don't know anything about any "99% statistic". I've never seen it used, nor even heard of it. That last sentence you wrote is so true, though. No matter who has been the perpetrator it HURTS, and badly. It's a known fact that women abuse men. You'd have to be brain-dead to not know that. And you'd have to be practicing what I call, "chosen ignorance" to be in denial of it.

Do you believe in God? Or at least Jon Bon Jovi?

Amen-Rah remains the President of the Gods and Goddesses, but I also believe in Jon Bon Jovi because I have seen him in a video..

Pfa against daughters father..custody rights?

He is either stupid or bluffing. Any person with common sense would know that if he seeks cusotdy you will go for child support. And, if you go for child support he will seek custody. I think you have little to worry about now. However, he is playing games with you so that you do not seek child support. You should consult a lawyer or legal aid where you live to learn about how to get child support and what his chances of getting some custody/visition might be.

Live Free or Die Hard(Die Hard 4)- Opinions?

Hi guys.Love the Die Hard Trilogy. IMO they are the epitome of action movies. Can watch them over and over. Nothing like some good R rated action and violence. Just picked up Live Free or Die Hard(2007). Planning on watching it tonight. I have had some mixed views on it. Some don't like that its PG:13 and that John McClane doesn't say his trademark yipeekiyee ************.What are your thoughts on it?

How fast are chilean rose haired tarantulas?

They are not fast but if they fall off your hand they can crack and die very easily. And another thing wear gloves when you handle her. If you pick them up wrong and they get scared, they shake the body and their hairs will go in your skin and give you a bad rash.Trust me I found this out the hard way. Not a lot of ppl know this.

Rockabilly hair?

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Hmmmm...A kiss + BRACES = ?

id hav to say that normally ends up in an ... jk but reely be careful bc my sis and her bf did that and we had to drive them to the ortho because sumthing broke in his braces. and his mom drove them so they were like that the entire time in the back seat.

Has anyone been to Rafik's Hair Salon?

It's this little hair salon on weston and finch. My friend recommended it but I'm not sure about it. Has anyone been there? Do they give good haircuts and also is it walk-in only?

What should i do (farewell party tomorrow?)?

As long as you don't make a habit of it, what's wrong with being a bit bad every now and then? Sneak the clothes out with you and change somewhere. Its your leaving party so its how you will be remembered. Wear what you want just this one time, you'll feel good and you will have more fun at the party and will remember it in a much better way. HAVE A GREAT NIGHT AND GOOD LUCK WITH COLLEGE!


Influenza is RNA, HIVis a retrovirus, W. Nile is RNA, C. pox is DNA, S. pox is DNA, Ebola is RNA, Avia flu is RNA.

What's your sign and what does your writing look like?

my handwriting is round and bubbly. the letters are slightly slanted.. i write in print but some letters connect, medium pressure and that's about it.. and i'm a lefty:)

Does this sentence look okay?

Mark had booked the tickets to the Indian Himalayas in desperation, to escape from the nightmares; to flee from his past.

T-Mobile internet plan?

I am on a T-Mobile family plan, but currently use an "unlocked" Cingular Blackjack (not Blackjack II). What is the best unlimited internet plan that will cooperate with the Blackjack?

I need help with creating an imagery paragraph?

I need a paragraph with alot of imagery. This can be about anything. I don't have much of an imagination so could someone just make me an imagery paragraph.

Why do most of the Hollywood or famous Actors or Actress cheat on their taxes?

I think that their tax returns are probably very confusing and they rely on professionals to do their taxes. Some professionals just aren't that good.

Whats the most common computer parts to upgrade for gaming?

Max out your memory, and think about a faster processor if you can afford it. Also, cooling.....keep that processor cool! The OS is not going to help speed you up on games. Also a better video card.....sorry, forgot about that one.

I need an epicly saddening school life anime. please leave a discription?

"bitter virgin"- i don't know if it is a anime yet but it is a great manga. it is about a girl that is scared of boys cause of a horrible secret she starts. he finds out about it but she does not know and so on, i cant say much cause it would kind of ruin the story.

Will U2's 2009 Tour be a stadium event/spectacle like PopMart or Zoo?

Man, I don't think they're going to do something like that again. They're older now and really going back to the basics. However, they said this new album is really influenced by electronica... so who knows? Maybe we'll see Macphisto again!

I need to know how to make arepa de choclo con queso...?

I just came back from colombia and I need to know how to make Arepa de choclo con queso. I have harina pan, will that work? I need a recipe in english if possible... if not my husband could translate! PLEASE HELP! I want to impress my sister in law when she comes from colombia to visit!

List of Batman novels?

Where can I find a list of Batman novels (no pictures, just words), like 'Knightfall' by Dennis O Leary and 'No Mans Land' by Greg Rucka? Thanks

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Did anyone hear the tribute to Rick Wright on Sirius Clic Rewind today?

It was short but pretty cool. The person who did the tribute said that Floyds music changed into what it was the day he joined.

Alligator/Crocodile Wrestling Video?

I've looked everywhere, and can't find an Alligator/Crocodile Wrestling Video that just has someone on top of an alligator/crocodile and is just wrestling and rolling around with it like Steve Irwin would do. Can someone help me out? A best answer will be rewarded to the person who finds the video that I'm looking for.

Who should I cosplay as?

Hey there. I'm really confused as to who I cosplay as, so it started like this. Me, my friends Jordan and Hilary are making our own cosplay club after school at our highschool. I'm also going to cons but that is still awhile from now. My birthday is coming up very soon and my mom will probably let me get a cosplay outfit. This week I'm coloring my hair an auburn-y color (kinda looks purple on the box) and I have green eyes...(I could get contacts) I am hyper and sarcastic. I don't care what gender either so....HELP!? Pwease =3

Do you like this poem I wrote?

these words are definately not shallow only shallow people would think that and disregard this poem, but those questions are really vital for us as humans, creatures of depth to ask, and be answered within the very depths of ourselves. thanks for this poem good work!

How do I address a person in a formal letter of complaint?

If it is a formal letter then the receipient should be addressed formally, particularly as it involves solicitors. Should this be a grievance procedure or such then it will go infront of people who will decide an outcome. Being familiar with this person will not do you any favours.

How to run away to California?

You could not have picked a worse time for a plan like this. 4k is no where near enough to start out in California. Depending on where you moved that would barely covered one month if you're lucky in a fairly cheap area. Also, do you have a car? Most places in California will drive you nuts without one. There are literally no jobs here right now and you can't expect to find a job (let alone one to support you) so quickly. I know many people (college graduates and otherwise) who haven't found work in well over a year. It is rough right now and people are still being laid off. My best advice is if you are serious, DO NOT move until you already have a job set up that can support you.

Do you think it is possible (and I am not trying to insult the man) that Judas Rabbi.....?

is one of those half ton men, confined to his bed needing one person to lift his rolls while another washes inside them and when that is finally over he is back online? Do you think that maybe that is why in 18 months time he has accrued 362,876 points, 6869 best answers and answered a total of 113185 (and counting) questions?

Common household cat repellent?

My cat recently had a seizure and as you know they temporarily lose control of their bladder during it. Well he wet this one area of carpet during the seizure and I cleaned it, but since his scent is in there I think he's gone back at least once or twice and sprayed it again. I just cleaned it yet again with heavy duty carpet cleaner, and then I used Febreeze. I'm not able to go to the pet store for a day or two, so I was wondering if you guys know of any common household item I can use to repel him from the area and deter him from doing it again until I can buy proper cat repellent spray? Thanks in advance!

Strain rates (Creep Strain)?

The atoms and,more importantly,the crystal defects become more mobile with increasing temperature ;especially with lead/tin solder which has a eutectic temperature at 183 deg C which essentialy means that in highly stessed areas like grain and interfacial boundaries the local structure would constitute a viscous liquid.Some superplastic alloys actualy refine their structure under working conditions that resemble high speed creep.

Funny how Israel chose to bomb Gaza when they did is'nt it?

President Bush not saying much, no coordinated response from the international community, and the hype over the inaugauration blocking out the aftermath and human suffering. Very cynical and contrived indeed!

Hey pop lovers.. An inspired question?

Grose! hahaha. No, seriously what if there were still little pieces of gl attached to the ice sculpture?

Is it legal to use a registered trademark in a band name?

I want to use a registered trademark in a name for my band name and was wondering whether there would be any issues. The trademark is 'Nesquik'.

Is it me , am i going mad or is it her ?

Hi I would kill for a bloke like you, does your wife not realise what she has got in you. I am sorry to say this but your wife sounds lazy, you deserve some recreation and yours is going to the gym, I was left to do everything in my home my ex was in the TA and used to say "i don't do mundane things like the garden, and decorating" i used to everything and it was hard especially when the children were young. He left for a younger model a few years ago, Good Luck to her i say...... it's not you it's your wife, she will only realise what she has got when you have gone.

Do you think Sean Penn is proud of his friends in Venezuela?

Absolutely! He wants the same thing here. He thinks if we have the same thing here, he can keep all his money and feel good about what he's done. Sean Penn may be talented as an actor but he's a total idiot when it comes to politics and life.

What do you think about storylines?

Do you think WWE should stop putting the same superstars against each other and like make them settle their things before or after the match or even on a different brand? Like say JBL vs Cena maybe it should be one week Cena vs Rhodes and Dibiase in a handicap match and later on JBL vs Cryme Tyme put intresting if you think they should do this

Its been 32 day since I got my period..Am I Pregnant?

Ok my cycle has always been irregular but NEVER ped 24 day. NEver in my life have I gotten my period by the 28th day, it has always been before. About three weeks ago I had unprotected (like always) with my boyfirend of 5 years. And well you already know what happened from there. I am having symtoms of my feel tender and hurt and I feel a white liquid coming down. But I've been feeling those for almost two weeks already and it has never been to that extent.. On day 24 when I saw I didnt get my period that day..I got scared and bought a pregnancy came out negative..but it still hasnt come!!! Should I buy another one today on day 32..or wait..

I want to pledge as a Delta Sigma Theta or an Alpha Kappa Alpha, but are they at non hbcus?

Both sororities can be found on HBCU and PWI campuses. My suggestion to you is to worry about getting out of high school first and maintaining a 3.0 or above gpa, joining various organizations and doing community service when you get to college. From there, research both sororities.

I had another nightmare, this time it was lucid....I had to kill myself to get out of it!?

The only thing I can think of, is have you read any books or watched any movies that have that kind of stuff? Dreams are often what you think about.

Can someone help me remember a horror movie?

There was a movie in the 70's that Im trying to find.. all I remember about the trailer, was an oil painting above a fireplace that was really scary... the eyes in the painting went from normal to REALLY CREEPY.. I remember a bunch of people standing around the painting talking when the painting looks normal..and at the end of the trailer theres a closeup shot of it when the title is being shown..the eyes disappear, and are replaced by the creepy ones. Does anyone know what the movie is and if I can find a copy?

Was Gandhi communist?

If he was, he was one strange communist. He believed in non violence and that is not a hallmark of a communist. They believe in violent revolution, overthrowing the system. Gandhi wanted freedom for all his fellow Indians from the yoke of British Colonialism, but wanted India to follow the British example of a Parliamentary system. Again certainly not communism. So, No, he wasn't a communist.

Why is wood burning fumes coming down to our lower fireplace,from our main floor fireplace ?

We live in a back slit house.We have one wood burning fireplace on the main floor and another on the bottom floor.Every time we have a fire in the top fireplace,it sends bad smoke smell to the lower one.Our dampers are operating correctly and both fireplaces are clean.Each fireplace has its own flue and are not connected.We have noticed that the 2 flues at the top of the fireplace chimney outside are level with each other.Can this be causing a problem of one sucking the fumes down another? If anyone knows the answer,please let us know.Thank you.

I will form a 5 letter code word using only the first 18 letters of the alphabet allowing no letter to be used

I will form a 5 letter code word using only the first 18 letters of the alphabet allowing no letter to be used more than once in any code word. If I select a code word at random, find the probability that the code word begins with the letter C and ends with a vowel.

Why honor Barry Bonds' career when it's been tainted by steroids allegations?

There are plenty of things in baseball that taint all the records. Better workout facilities, furthered education of training regimens, the more tightly wound ball, the reduced strike zone, film ysis, and rule modifications that have contributed to the records that have since existed. Imagine how many hits Cobb would have had had he had the facilities rose had had, but we still recognize Pete Rose as the hit leader and one of the greatest of all time. The reason we honor these players regardless of the allegations is because its just that, allegations. If someone took you to court for and it was never proved, should you be looked at as a offender your whole life? He still has a historic amount of walks, an insane OBP, almost 3000 hits, and amazing blend of speed and power. We honor him because he's a great ball player. Some believe he used, some believe he didn't, some people believe in aliens and others don't. We can't prove any of it. You don't have to like him, but no one will forget about Barry Bonds, and we will honor him for years to come.

So Atheists: Why are new reports stating that Mel Gibson is totally broke & insane? Is this a conspiracy?

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How do I say and pronounce "grandma" and "grandpa" in Czech?

How do I say and pronounce "grandma" and "grandpa" in Czech? Going to meet relatives who speak czech, want to impress them, please help!

Monday, August 8, 2011

How much weight did you put on in your pregnancy? trimrster wise?

Like in 1st trimester i didnt put on any eight, but like in my second starting i hv put on 1 kgs. Let me know your and how much should i expect i ll put on till third end trimester.

Where can i find hot shoes for under $20?

i need to find some colorful or just plain hot shoes for school anyone no where to find some online or local stores in michigan around flint mt.morris burton wherever anything helps!

Need some new first person shooter games to play.?

Try Crysis.....but be'll push your PC to the limits. But it is the best FPS ive played in a loooong time. Enjoy!!

What does it mean if you have a really and emotionally charged dream about a platonic female friend?

I don't think there's anything wrong with it...perhaps you were just thinking about her in general and happened to fit in with your dreams...I know what you mean though, I've had that happen and then ended up having feelings for the guy's like the dream opened my eyes....good luck!

What is the world today if there is no age of exploration?

What would happen to the americas and to the far east asia? No colonization, no settlements and no expansions?

I have been on atkins for 8 weeks. lost 12 lbs. i drink 90+ oz of water daily. work out 4x a week.?

2 spin cles, 1 yoga, 1 free weights. i eat 3 regular meals 2 atkin snacks. any advise would be great.

Why do I always have to put up with these hypocrites?

We are put in families to learn how to deal with people in general. Technically you don't have to put up with them, so I admire you for trying.

Misfits series 3! What do you reckon is going to happen?

I want all of them to have there normal powers back except Alisha, can you imagine a life like that !!! I can't !!! Plus... the Nikki situation opened there eye's if they had their power's then Kelly would've heard what he was thinking and also Nathan could have just taken it and come back or Curtis could have done a rewind. I am very much looking forward to the next series ... just hope is sooner rather than later .... If they do have different powers i do agree with you about Simon's.

How is isotope Potium-40 (K40) different than the more common isotope Potium-39 (K39) ?

Also How is K40 the same as K39? Please help! I have a 5 paragraph essay due and I have no idea the answer to this question.

Is this a good trade?

if this trade was offered to you, don't take a second to hesitate to accept. even though the bengals have a great QB and WR's, rudi johnson is used frequently. also and when the D espects the p, they can hand it off to johnson and he isvery consitstent with every carry. also, since the ravens don't have any ping game, the D. will expect the run and can stop them. the only time the D. will expect p is on 3rd and long, in which the ravens wouldn't consider handing it off to mcgahee.

Dose anyone know he song?

ok so there use to be a thing on you tube that was called diddy rock vodka i cant find the song anywere cause i have no idea what its called but they say "all the way from atl georgia all the way to new york" and than in the middle of the song he says "lets rock come dont stop" someone please help

How to write off creditors balance in the books of accounts owe since long time?

how to eliminate creditors balance in the books of accounts payable since a long time and which account is to be credited. definitel it can't be other income na???

Watch Live Cricket Sri Lanka v India online for free?

a href="" rel="nofollow"

Can you draw any parallels between the rise of Adolf Hitler and the rise of Barack Hussein 0bama?

Yes. Both became active in politics by being very deliberate in choosing their friends. Both came into power during a time of trouble and strife when the people were at their weakest point. Both began almost immediately calling anyone who disagreed with them traitors to the cause etc. Both had extraordinary speaking ability. Both had the goal of fundamentally changing the government. Both were revered as the one who could save them from the evils of the world etc. Once in power, they ratcheted up the rhetoric to influence the people to accept "small" changes in their lifestyles for the good of the country.

Has anyone else noticed Del Rio is the Hispanic JBL character?

I noticed this last week when he came out in that car for his match & again tonight. I'm not making a racial dig at him. Just making an observation. AND that Del Rio went right for Rey to get into a feud with him ala JBL. I also think his britches & knee pads are just a wee bit too tight. It's one thing to have a wedgie from the shorts riding up & another when they're too tight to begin with.

Does calcutta university allows changing of college in 2nd year?

m a student of bhawanipore college kolkata, i've ped 1st yr BCom hons n now m in 2nd yr , iwant to tk admission in some oder clg under calcutta university,is it possible?

What has happened to our erflies and grhoppers etc.?

When I was a youngster our green and pleasant land was full of insects of all kinds.There was a huge variety of life in our streams and waterways.The air was plentiful with birds like the night-jar,the spotted fly catcher, finches,etc etc.What have we done.No more doormice,shrews,voles.and our food tastes like pap .I think that within 30 years it will be totally tasteless.It is not far off it now.My grandson is missing so much.

My hair is starting to fall out?

Hi my hair is starting to fall out... and i've always had naturally thick hair. I bleached it paritally for over 2 years professionally and never noticed any problems other than ordinary hair loss. Then 2 years ago I struggled with an eating disorder also never really noticed too much hair loss. Just about 8 months ago my mother ped away i had been taking care of her in my home and my hairdresser died my blond hair brunette (again all professionally) and about 3-4 months later i noticed it falling out. Is this most likely caused by stress, dying or diet (i've gained weight back since those two years) I am now using Nixon scalp treatment is there anything else i can do to make sure i don't go bald?

Should i make this trade? 10 points?

That's a pretty darn idiot for offering a reliable, consistent runningback for an up-down running back (mcfadden) and a WR stuck in the world of terrible QB's. Take it immediately. And you can get rid of Torain for a WR, defense, or kicker (if you need one).

Why do Republicans keep pushing the "elitest" label?

All through the convention the Republicans keep pushing this term. Does anyone even know what it means? It doesn't mean "snob". It means "a select group of people with outstanding personal abilities, intellect, wealth, specialized training or experience, or other distinctive attributes — are those whose views on a matter are to be taken the most seriously or carry the most weight; whose views and/or actions are most likely to be constructive to society as a whole; or whose extraordinary skills, abilities or wisdom render them especially fit to govern" So what's up with that? Do they just not own a dictionary or are they really just that complimentary?

Does Acne Free Terminator contain aspirin?

i am not sure why but i dont see how it would hurt you. i bought my son that system and really works. just remember one thing though, sometimes with starting a new skin care routine, it may get worse before it gets better.

I can't party with my friend in halo reach it says not able to connect ?

Me and my friend try to party up and it sys can't connect and both our network statuses are set to nat open and we can't figure it out any suggestions? This is halo reach by the way

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Help On a Noob flashing modding a lite-on xbox 360 drive?

I am fresh at this. I want to know what i will all need to flash my xbox 360 drive its a lite on. I am aware that you need a sata cable and i have one and my comp mother board has a slot. I just need to be told what exactly i need. Do i need a key/probe? Or can i just use jungle flasher. Please help! Easy 10 points. anything helps. Is it hard or simple when following a youtube video guide. I want to put it in 1.6!

Easy to Bake Easy to Make Choclate Chip Cheesecake?

Does anyone have this recipe card. Its not the Hershey Cheesecake. I have lost my file card and have been unsuccessful in getting another one. Please help!

Dog Having Nightmare?

My jack russell terrier always shakes and whines when she sleeps so i wake her up and she seems confused . can dogs have dreams/nightmares and also i got her when she was older and she had been abused could this be what she is dreaming of , i dont like the idea of leaving her while im asleep and she is having nightmares? what can i do ? she is a happy dog and although she used to be a bit wary of people she isnt any more and lives up to her name, Cheeky!, but i am worried about if she is in distress and what this means..?

What kind of/how much gore is in an American Werewolf in London?

The 1981 movie, for that matter. I heard its mediately gory without being too "in your face". I think its supposed to be more funny than gory, so I'm just checking. The cousins are coming over in a couple of weeks and they wanna watch a wolf movie. They've already seen the Wolfman (which I already have on DVD), and this movie's pretty cheap, so I figured what the hell.

Any good manga suggestions?

Well...I think you may like Alice in the Country of Hearts. It's a fantasy, comedy manga, and there is also lots of fighting. My friends and I <3 it!

What else do I need to protect my house from Santa this year?

I have landmines, missile launchers, machine guns, heat seeking missiles, and I've turned on the fireplace. If he manages to get inside my house, I've set traps around the entire house and turned the Christmas tree into a bomb

Does it REALLY matter what time you stop eating each day?

they say not to eat late in the day because you are typically less active, therefore, burning less calories. if you are up several hours after you eat it shouldn't be a problem. really it matters how many calories you consume, not when you consume them.

How to make a secret compartment in a drawer?

Most secret compartments are a false bottom in the drawer creating a space between it and the regular bottom that you can hide things in. The false bottom is hinged on one end and has a latch on the other. Think in terms of a regular cabinet door. The rocking, spring loaded latch is exactly what is used on many cabinet doors and the catch or striker you are reading about is simply part of the latch. The hole that is referred to is next to the latch and serves as a handle or knob to aid in opening the door.

Please help suicidal kinda?

Stop. think back at the Q&A's that you have seen on Yanswers. All of the questions are pretty much straght forward, and not very difficult to answer, yet the answerees seem to not fully proceess the information, for lack of intelligence, or they are just ignorant; so they just seem to "try" to rid the "diahrriah vomit locked in their grey matter" but putting a bs answer down. (very noticeable in suicide topics) Seem harmless to you? yeah? stop reading... good, now as for the rest, Of course in said above suicide topics, theese "bs" answers can be very pursasive, And Yea- it is no the small picture, but the big. Those answers, plus thier resislancy and other outside variables would push someone until either something changed, or their was no longer any need to change it. Resolution: Y do we keep going? This happens every day. I notice it and if everyone else does to, then y does it still happen? life has fun parts, but it really is not that fun. Y do people do that?, not just on this site or sites like it, but everything. There are also things widely accepted throughout the world that practice this, they will never get it (religion) and yet if people can see that it doesnt work like i do,(pope guy: does) THEN Y DO WE DO IT? I figure a "normal mind" would not do such things, but they happen. BTW i can see the future, and I see that some of you did not stop reading... for lack of intelligence, ignorance, whatev, and your answers that you u were going to put down piss me off: blah blah "greater purpose" ( everything fails ) blAh blah " to do it" (thats seems dumb) blah blah etc I dont care, and the ones that were supposed to keep reading dont either you are wasting their time so that I could deter you from answering. .. So...I cant seem to be happy when I should be. I notice weird things. Im lost. I dont know if god (if there is one) thinks about me(hate or love) and Im not sure if I want to find out, or care (personal problem, Dont in on god... for those of you who are... STILL...reading!) I believe that I may be crazy, insane, whatever, I could or couldnt go with that. idk. but the controversy still lies. dont know if it is worth continueing. and maybe I should stop playing... I do think of this when I get frustrated, depressed, pissed, whatev, but I think I seem to have a sane, logical outlook on it. It is hard to explain and talk about. Btw I do knida have extreeme emotions, but you cant tell, and street signs, advertisements, and the latter make fun of me. everything i take in the way i take it is because I took it that way, and cant figure out why. I usually think that I am a rational man. Maybe that will help you answer me.

Has anyone else noticed...?

That Charlie's grandpa from Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory got him a a chocolate bar, but supposedly he hadn't been out of bed in 20 years?

French views of the Brits, Brits views of the French, and how we compare?

when i was in france generally people were polite and complementary. i did meet 1 or 2 that definitely had a problem with the brits, although they really were in a minority. there's always the stereotypes of 'you eat crap food' etc that can get very tedious, but these sort of comments only usually come stupid arseholes anyway whatever nationality they are

Does anyone know where i can watch naturally sadie online??

they cancelled it here in the U.S. and i liked that show. please dont say youtube, i already checked there. thanks. =]

Can any estate planning be created if the subject has dementia?

My uncle was diagnosed with dementia several years ago and is now in declining health. He is the owner of the house he lives with my aunt and his is the only name on the deed. He has steadily refused to engage in any type of estate planning and is currently becoming more paranoid and irrational. My aunt is the sole caretaker and has been the only person earning income to support her family for nearly ten years. Under these cirstances, is there any recourse under US law in which my aunt can ask that some type of power of attorney, will or other form of estate planning be created so that she can avoid having her husband p away interstate?

Oh no I think I have feelings for him again...?

I think I like someone I use to like a few months ago. We don't go to the same school and like I barely see him when I volunteer at Key Club events (high school volunteer club). I had him on Facebook but I deleted him because after telling him I liked him he didn't do anything and I was like it so I just deleted him. I came across his profile last night through another friends and I completely was floored at how cute he looked in his pic. I know I shouldn't base it off looks but man I REALLY still think highly of him cuz he was super nice even if he didn't like me... It's just weird because he'd stare even after I told him I liked him. He never told me he didn't like me but he never said he did either... but he would stare at events. Like two weeks ago at one my best friend and I ped by him and I barely looked but I saw him look. And then he once made a video and it showed lke a bunch of people on Facebook and when it came to mine his friend said "We can't talk about her now" and his other friend wa slike "That's edup man" and I was kinda mad at that. I mean maybe I just think he's cute and wahat not but damn this sucks :(

What is the difference between an asteroid and a satellite?

In short an asteroid is a large rock in outer space. Some can be very large, while others are as small as a grain of sand. Due to their smaller size, asteroids do not have enough gravity to pull themselves into the shape of a ball. A satellite is a man-made equipment that orbits around the earth or the moon.